Berlin, 23.08.2022

Odewald KMU has successfully sold Heizkurier Group to NORD Holding

Odewald KMU invested in Heizkurier in 2018 as part of a growth financing. During the partnership, first the succession of the founders was successfully implemented and Heizkurier was then transformed from an owner-managed family business into a market-leading, medium-sized company in the field of mobile heating solutions.

At the time of the investment, Heizkurier generated revenues of approximately EUR 8 million and employed 37 specialists at 5 locations. Since Heizkurier started to build market niche, it already occupied a already occupied a leading position in the manufacture and rental of mobile heating solutions. As expected, the mobile heating market has developed very positively in recent years and Heizkurier's leading market position has been strengthened and expanded further through the continuous expansion of its own rental park and the opening of new branches. At the same time, the acquisition of HDS Energielösungen in 2018 enabled the company's entry into the mobile cooling market. Through the subsequent acquisition of the Austrian market leader energy4rent in 2020, the geographical presence was expanded once again and the range of services was extended to include mobile steam and energy solutions.

Additionally, the implementation of professional processes in the area of sales and marketing enabled the expansion of the customer base and the development of new customer segments. At the same time, the introduction of new IT systems and KPI-based control of utilization rates and rental capacities, combined with the development of a digital sales platform, laid the foundation for continued growth in the coming years.

With 110 employees at 13 locations, Heizkurier today generates revenues of more than EUR 30 million, which means that the goals set for the company at the beginning of the investment have been significantly exceeded.